Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A White Halloween

I'm sure you've heard about the Nor'easter that hit New England this weekend. In New Hampshire, we got 6" of snow, several trees fell on power lines, and we have been without power since 7:45 Saturday night. Thankfully, since power outages are so common in New Hampshire, we have a generator and haven't totally been living in the dark. The last count I heard was that over 400,000 people in Massachusetts and New Hampshire are still without power. Obviously, that's taken a big hit on my entertainment level.

It seems that the first phrase that kids learn is, "I'm bored." As an adult, I'm still feeling the same way, but the difference is that now, I'm old enough, and smart enough, not to complain about it. Being able to entertain yourself is a sign of maturity, and education. The educated person is smart enough to find things to do to entertain themselves. This might be reading a book, learning a new hobby, or finally getting to work on those chores that have been needing to get done. Granted, reading by flashlight is a little trickier, but can still be done.

Then again, I don't have much room to talk. I still have my iPhone, which keeps me connected to everything. And, there is the generator at home, so we can still have a warm house, and take showers. Last night we even watched a couple of DVD's for entertainment.

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