Friday, October 21, 2011

Manssentials #6: Being the Rock

I know, I know...gender roles are constantly evolving and changing. There are several households that the woman is the one who goes to work and brings home the money, while the man stays at home to raise the kids. There's nothing wrong with that, and I'm not trying to get into a discussion about the roles of each gender in every relationship. However, I feel that there is one trait that should be common to the men: being the rock solid force in the relationship.

Many women want a man that they can count on, and that they know will be there for them. When a crisis arises, the man should be able to be counted on. He's the one everyone will look to for direction, guidance, and support. For example, when there is a death in the family, the man must delay his grief while he prepares the necessary arrangements. It all goes back to the age old saying: women and children first.

While men no longer go out in the field, or to factories, and perform physical labor like in the past, but they still are that strong example. In my own life, I've seen my dad work 50-60 hour weeks for years. I know he has made personal sacrifices for the rest of the family. As I've recently started my own job (but don't worry, I write these pieces at night, not at work), it's nice to have an example of how to carry myself so close.

I feel fortunate to have such a good example to look to for being the rock in my own relationships, and I hope you do, too.

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