Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Modern Day Dating

The dating world has clearly changed in the past, even 5 years. Courtship used to be a guy asked a girl on a date, and then they would date, or be "going steady." Over time, terms changed, and people started "going out."  Things were much more simple, and it was a heck of a lot easier to know where you stood your significant other. Now it's so confusing that it's tempting to use Google Maps to navigate your way through the dating world.

A lot of this change has to do with the emergence of Facebook, and other social networking sites. Steps in a relationship online and quickly, if they aren't already, becoming more important than steps in a relationship that are happening together, in person. You know, in real life. To try to help with some of the confusion that now takes place on the road that is dating, here's a list of the 5 different stages of the modern relationship.

1. The Meeting
Obviously, the first thing is you will meet someone. It could be anywhere: at a party, at work, a mutual friend will introduce you, an online dating site, or the bar. Although, I don't think many relationships that start in bars last more than 24 hours. And, according to those commercial's, 1 in 5 relationships now begin on an online dating site. I'll be honest, I've taken a look at online dating sites, and, no, not everyone on there is creepy or desperate.

2. We're "talking"
Does anyone even know an actual definition for this stage? I don't. I just know it's one of those phrases people use early on. I guess I would call it the phase in between meeting and actually going on a few dates, but many will disagree with me and say it's the stage of going on those early dates. I think most people who use this term, though, just can't admit to themselves that they're stuck in a friends with benefits situation when they really want something more.

3. Dating
This one is a little more obvious. It's the process of going on dates, spending one-on-one time together, to see if there's the interest in a long term relationship. For me, the dating stage is an exclusive stage, but again, I know not everyone agrees with me. At some point, you'll have to have the " are we exclusive?" talk with your partner. To me, the exclusivity is another part of the distinction between "talking" and dating.

4. Relationship
This one is obviously exclusive. Unless you're in one of those "swinger/open relationship" type deals. This is where the terms boyfriend and girlfriend start getting used. Instead of just going out on dates, your partner will now accompany you to family events, and hang outs than include large groups of your friends. You may also have a grocery/laundry buddy now.

5. FBO
"Facebook Official." When you think about it, it's a little sad that an online social network is now the epitome of defining a relationship, but there it is. Heaven forbid, that person you knew in high school, but were really only just a passing aquaintence with anyway, doesn't know that you're now in a relationship. The FBO status can take shape in many forms: a tagged picture together, a profile picture of the two of you, and the big one, the changed relationship status.

Even if you know the steps, which aren't the same for every relationship, knowing which step you're at can be a confusing thing on it's own. The best advice I can give is to talk to your partner about where he or she thinks the relationship is at, and where it is heading. It's always best to be on the same page.

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