Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Manssentials #3: Monogamy

One of my favorite TV shows ever is CBS's How I Met Your Mother. The storyline of the show is Ted Mosby, in the year 2030, is telling his kids about how he met their mother, which is happening in the current day. While sitcom revolves a lot around Ted's dating life, one theme is always the same: he's a good guy.

I'm sure the female readers will particularly agree with me that they can't seem to find many good guys to date anymore. Many guys say that they're different, but how many times is that really true? Guys just seem to crave the attention of other girls, leaving their partners, or potential partners, feeling insecure, and not good enough.

Guys, while the thrill of the chase is certainly exhilarating and fun, what about the thrill of a growing relationship with someone? Sure, it may be fun, and temporarily make you feel good about yourself, to be flirtatious with a different girl every once in a while, but at the end of the day, what does it all mean? If it's not with the right, same girl, it means nothing.

Being a player, dating and sleeping around, may impress your buddy's, but even that is short-lived. After high school, or maybe even a year or two into college, it's time to grow up. If you want to be in a relationship, commit to it. If you don't want to be in one, that's fine, but any girl that you try to woo should be aware of that going in. A girl shouldn't have to wonder where she stands with you. Especially if she's your girlfriend. If it's a text message, a phone call, Facebook post, etc., that you wouldn't want her to read while you're typing it, or reading what another girl has said to you, it's time to make a change.

If I may quote Wilson from Home Improvement, "a great lover doesn't romance a different woman every night; a great lover romances the same woman every night." I'm not sure who he was quoting, but that Wilson was one wise neighbor.

The important thing is to make an honest, genuine effort in any relationship. Like we learned in Couples Retreat, you don't want to end up at Applebee's alone.

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