Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reflections on College: Sophomore Year

Yes, I made an igloo at age 21. Abby was concerned.
As sophomore year started, I was once again back on campus for orientation, but this time it was as an orientation leader. The first year trying to run an orientation group was pretty rough, to say the least. I did learn from it though, and did much better the next year.

Sophomore year was the first year we actually had studio space to work in. At first, it was really cool. Being able to stay in studio and work on a project was fun and exciting. However, the excitement quickly faded. After I flew home for Thanksgiving break that year, I had a lot of work to catch up on. I ended up being in studio from 9 AM-2AM everyday the week after Thanksgiving to get my project done on time. That was the most I ever had to be in studio at one time for so long to get work done. In later years, I learned not to stay at home so long over break. And, to borrow an AutoCAD license so I could do some computer work off campus.

As the school work picked up, so did the relationship. We had some fights, I think that year we may've even taken a break and gotten back together.

My 21st birthday was that September. Believe it or not, I didn't drink. Not only that, but I went to a NASCAR race and didn't drink. At that time, I never drank. That didn't happen until my senior year.

Game vs. Mass-Maritime in 2009.
That spring, I was really excited when lacrosse started back up. After losing in the first round of the play-offs, I was really anxious to get back at it. On paper we looked pretty good, and i really wanted to qualify for the ECAC tournament. We ended up losing to Roger Williams in the first round of the play-offs for a second straight year, narrowly missing the ECAC's. A bit of a disappointing season.

That summer I returned home. I never did get a job that summer, so it was pretty lazy. I did volunteer to be a counselor at my church's youth camp like the previous summer, which was always an amazing experience. I also worked for a week at Notre Dame's lacrosse camp. Too bad on the first day I got a blistering sunburn and was in a lot of pain all week. I also visited my girlfriend on the Cape that summer. My summer visit to the Cape, and first trip to Martha's Vineyard. Other than those three events, it was a pretty boring summer. Once again, I was looking forward to getting back to Boston.

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